Cap Hat Visor
This one-pager was written and illustrated for inclusion in Anthony Meloro's Electric Cruise zine, which premiered at SPX.

Nekhbet #2
The second Nekhbet comic is quite sad. It was made for SPX in 2014.

Nekhbet #4
I went back to hand drawing and watercolor for #4, a tale of Nekhbet believing in himself.

Nekhbet #6
This Nekhbet is a word for word exerpt of an interview with one of the engineers who felt personally, specifically responsible for the tragedy.

Nekhbet #1
The first Nekhbet comic is arguably the only funny one. I drew it and brought it with me to Fluke in Athens, Georgia in 2014.

Nekhbet #3
This is the first digitally made issue. I made this in the summer of 2015 and brought it with me to SPX 2015.

Nekhbet #5
For this issue, I reference both the Marianas Trench and Charles Joseph Minard's map of Napoleon's march. These are very deep cut references. This one's mostly about trenches and maps.

Nekhbet #7
This Nekhbet is about tripping in New York City.